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Who we are?

Sarthak Foundation started in 2013 when an incident involving little children living in a Lucknow urban slum exposed Kshama, the Founder of Sarthak, to extreme hunger and abject poverty, somethings that are so pervasive and rampant that they have become part of the landscape and we don’t notice them even when they are right in front of us. She thought that imparting education was the only tool capable of bringing sustained changes in the lives of these children so she went with a slate and started teaching the children. What started with 6 children under a tree is today an organized, data centric and well managed non-profit running three long term, deep, immersive and impactful projects impacting more than 8000 children directly and 32,000 people indirectly.

Sarthak Foundation started with the belief that no child should be left behind for being born in economic and social disadvantage. With a vision to have Happy Empowered Children, Sarthak Foundation reaches out to children to make them self-sustainable through education, socio-emotional strengthening and skills so that they are able to break out of abject poverty.
Sarthak Foundation is a registered non-profit working in the state of Uttar Pradesh in India. We are registered as a society and have 80G and 12A certificates under the Income Tax Act that validate our status as a non-profit. We also have the FCRA certification that allows us to accept foreign donations from outside of India.

The Problems